Wisconsin Well Woman Program (WWWP)
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Aging and Disability Resource Center of the North
WWWP provides preventive health screening services to women with little or no health insurance coverage. WWWP pays for mammograms, Pap tests, certain other health screenings, and multiple sclerosis testing for women with high risk signs of multiple sclerosis. The program is administered by the WI DHS, Division of Public Health, and is available in all 72 counties and 11 tribes.
Covered services are available from participating health care providers at no cost to WWWP clients. There is no premium, co-payment, or deductible for the Well Woman Program. Not all covered services are available from every provider. To be eligible, you must be a woman age 45 through 64 with income within the program’s guideline limits, and have no health insurance (or have insurance that doesn’t cover routine check-ups and screening, or be unable to pay the deductible or co-payment).
Enroll through your county or tribal WWWP coordinating agency.
Regional WWWP Coordinator Oneida County Health Department Rhinelander WI 54501
630 Sanborn Ave., Ashland WI, 54806
117 East 5th St. / P.O. Box 100, Washburn, WI 54891
307 3rd Ave. South, Hurley, WI 54534
104 S. Eyder Ave., Phillips, WI 54555
16096 US Hwy 63, Hayward, WI 54843
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