Elder Financial Empowerment Project
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Aging and Disability Resource Center of the North
This program of the Elder Law Center of the Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups provides information, advocacy, referral, and legal assistance to elder victims of financial abuse. Financial exploitation can include issues of consumer fraud and scams, identity theft, misuse of authority by agents under financial powers of attorney or guardianships, theft in whole or part of an elder’s personal and/or real property. The project may also offer services to the elder’s nonoffending surrogate, such as a friend, family member, agent, or guardian. The project also offers training to community members, attorneys, financial institutions, and human service providers on these issues. The EFEP telephone helpline is operated on a call-back basis. You will be asked to leave a detailed message and your call will be returned.
6320 Monona Drive Suites 305 & 307 Madison Wisconsin 53716
Mailing Address PO Box 628248 Madison Wisconsin 53562
630 Sanborn Ave., Ashland WI, 54806
117 East 5th St. / P.O. Box 100, Washburn, WI 54891
307 3rd Ave. South, Hurley, WI 54534
104 S. Eyder Ave., Phillips, WI 54555
16096 US Hwy 63, Hayward, WI 54843
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