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ADRC of the North, Sawyer County Branch
ADRC of the North, Sawyer County Branch
Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC) are no-cost, central sources of information and assistance for seniors (age 60+) and disabled adults, regardless of income. The ADRC of the North serves residents of Ashland, Bayfield, Iron, Price, and Sawyer Counties. ADRC services are also available to family members, friends, caregivers, and professionals working with these populations. Services include Information & Assistance, Long-Term Care Options Counseling, Benefits Counseling, Memory Screens, and Vital and Health/Wellness Connections. ADRCs also serve as the entry-way to publicly funded long-term care programs. We welcome you to call us at 1-866-663-3607 or to stop in at one of our branch offices to connect with an ADRC staff member.
Physical Location 16096 US Highway 63 Hayward WI 54843