If you’ve never contacted your Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC), you probably have a few questions. Here are some of the most common questions we hear.
Q: Who does the ADRC serve?
A: ADRC serves individuals 60 years and older and adults who have a disability. Also, we provide information and assistance to all community members (family, friends, professionals) working with issues related to aging, dementia, and adults with disabilities.
Q: What does the ADRC do?
A: The ADRC provides long term care options counseling, screening for publicly funded long term care programs (Family Care and IRIS), and information and assistance for topics such as home care, nutrition, financial assistance and benefits, and housing options.
Q: When should I contact the ADRC?
A: Contact us anytime, but ideally before:
- Personal resources are exhausted
- Family caregivers experience “burn out”
- A crisis occurs…and options become limited
- Moving from your home
If you’re currently dealing with challenges or have already gone through a lot, we are here to help.
Q: Is there assistance for someone who needs help with simple household tasks or minor home repairs?
A: The ADRC can help connect you with resources and services to help maintain independent living.
Q: Can you help me apply for disability benefits or long-term care?
A: Yes, our staff helps many people apply for benefits.
Q: I’m helping a family member – do you have any support for me?
A: Caregiver support is an important part of our work. At times taking care of a loved one may seem overwhelming, but we can help connect you with caregiver resources in your area.
Q: Are ADRC services ongoing?
A: The ADRC seeks to provide information and assistance to the community and connect individuals with resources. We do not provide ongoing case management but can provide follow up to ensure your needs are met.
Q: Does it cost anything to use the ADRC?
A: ADRC services are free. Information and assistance is provided to you at no cost. Depending on your needs, you may be referred to outside services. The services you choose may charge a fee.
Q: Does my income affect my eligibility for free ADRC services?
A: The ADRC serves all income levels. Your income only impacts which resources you can choose from.
Q: Does the ADRC have funding or money available to help me?
A: No. Your ADRC can help you apply for financial or other support, but we do not distribute funding.
Q: Can I get paid for taking care of my loved one or friend?
A: Each situation is different, so the answer is “it depends.” Contact your local ADRC to get information about options for your unique situation.